Do you hand-code SVG or generate it?

We want to partner with you! Join with Genolve and get your art in front of a huge audience and get paid for it!

The Gist

You submit a design in an existing category or new category such as cats, landscapes, paisley, etc. After approval, your design will be shown to people who want a cat in the design they are making. If a lot of people click your design, it will be shown more often and if it generates few clicks will be shown less often. You can submit free or paid designs. The design will have a link to your profile. If a paid design is used in someone's creation you get a revenue credit. At the end of the month your revenue credits are tallied and once a threshold amount is reached, a payment sent.

How to Start

Register as a Genolve user and create a profile. The first SVG/grammar/generator you submit must be free. Then your status will be upgraded to 'contributor' and you will have access to a dashboard showing statistics on your submitted designs. You will also receive details on submitting paid designs.

Some Guidelines

All designs must display the same in Chrome and Safari. For web use, the design must be efficient and compact. In Illustrator this means making use of styles and symbols. If unsure what to do just submit and we'll give feedback.

Any free/paid SVG graphic must be your own creation and released under an open source copyright (currently the MIT copyright).

Any free/paid SVG generator or Tracery grammar must be your own creation and released under any copyright/license while giving Genolve an unencumbered right to use it.

Submit a Design

To get started, first register, then reload to this page and find the submission form here.